Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The life bizarre.

A couple of the ladies from my critique group put me up to this, so we'll see if it's a good idea or not.  For some reason, I'm in this bizarre karmic zone where sh*t just happens.  If a crow is carrying a bagel in its beak, flying overhead, I guarantee the aforementioned breakfast item will take solo-flight and get dropped on me.  (This actually happened.  It was pumpernickel.)  So, I'm going to start chronicling these to give you all a laugh or two.

Today was my kids' beginning-of-the-year parent-teacher conference day, which if other parents dread nearly as much as I do (not because of the teachers, they're lovely), means we drag our feet getting there until the last possible moment.  I don't want to eavesdrop outside and hear how delightful it is to have [insert not my kid's name] in class, when I'm sure my sassy girls are... not.

The way parents are informed of conference locations, is that their children bring little colored slips of paper home, indicating the date and time of the conference, and where it will take place.  My girls dutifully did this.

This time, my older daughter's conference slip directed me to a room 146 in the elementary building.  Which would've been just fine, but after walking up and down the hallway a dozen or so times, it occurred to me that there is no room 146.  There's a 144, a 145... even a 147 and 148.  But no 146.

However... there is a larger-than-normal wall between rooms 144 and 148. 

I'm not exaggerating when I say I stared at that wall for far longer than I should have, wondering:  a) is this a test and I'm being filmed?  b) is my daughter so difficult that they *really* don't want to have the conference? c) is this like platform 9 3/4, where I'd best do it at a bit of a run?

It turns out to have been a simple clerical error, but it gave all of us a good laugh, and made a great intro to the meeting.  Which, by the by, was as ideal as a parent could hope for, whose daughters are full of sass.  Apparently sass can be delightful, too.

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