Sunday, October 23, 2016

This post is brought to you by the letter "Eeek!"

My body's starting to pop and crack and ow in ways it hasn't before.  And like all things, it needs a tune-up every once in a while. 

I've been going to physical therapy for a couple of months now to try to work through some lower-back issues, and the pair of therapists who are working with me are great (though one's moving out-of-country... at least I still have the other, who's funny as F*).  But this isn't an advertisement for Coal Creek Physical Therapy (they're great, go see them!), but instead is more a story of being in the right place at the wrong time.

I was late for a recent appointment (characteristic of most INTPs, punctuality is not my strong suit), but funny-as-F just rolled with it, and had me go through our normal routine of bending/stretching/poking/pushing-until-I-said-"OW!"  And we were done. 

I sat up on the table, she rolled up her stool to review my next week's set of new exercises, then it happened. 

A spider, roughly the size of a silver dollar, dropped down from the ceiling.  Hanging by its spider thread.  Right between us.  I could tell you about how its legs were splayed, wiggling, like it was shooting for our faces and had missed only by a few inches, but instead I'm going to tell you about how two grown women screamed.  It was loud.  And embarrassingly girly.

And then I'm going to tell you that patients, when they go to physical therapy offices of good repute, generally don't expect to hear screaming coming from behind closed doors.  Especially not when the shrieking's accompanied by crashing noises. 

We fortunately didn't have to do much explaining.  When the door opened, our twitching bodies were obviously trying to shake something off, and our screaming had turned to laughter.  Nobody asked us to settle down, nobody got angry.  Which is a good thing.  Because, well.  Huge spider.

The good news is that I don't think Coal Creek lost any patients -- not resulting from our debacle, anyway.  And after righting the chairs and a small table (the room is small), I'm confident their equipment is also okay. 

On the other hand, we never did find that spider.  My PT knocked it out of the air with her foot (her cover as a ninja is now blown, btw), and then it flew somewhere.  I checked my person, then my hair.  She checked hers.  Then the door was opened.  And that was all.

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